Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Short term goal
My goal: Stay on Principals list until the end of the year

Daily: Finish all my work and keep good work habits. Also, I must remain kind to my teachers and peers.
Weekly: Look back over the week and see if I could improve on my work or my attitude.
Monthly:After every month look at my tests and see if I could improve my work. Also, I should check my interim to see if all things are up to my standards

Strengths: Good memory, calm, kind demeanor, I hate having unfinished work
Weaknesses: I get stressed easily, I find it hard to change

This goal will require me to devote as much time as needed to finish school work and study for tests. This is usually 1.5 hr. to 2 hr. a day. This goal does not require money. I will need to keep all of my school supplies organized and make sure I have all the required equipment. i will also have to make sure I get enough rest and I will go to bed no later than 9:00 pm.

Feb- Hand in all assignments and not get in trouble in class. Also, get at least a B on my Math and Science tests.
Mar-Hand in all assignments, do well on tests and not get in trouble
Apr-Check interim, improve on areas that need it and continue doing well
May-Continue being good and doing well
June- Continue what I was doing and study for 2 wk. for exams

Long Term Goal
Goal: See the War and Peace show in England(see video)

Monthly-I will continue to do well in school. Once finished I will get a part time and full time and save money.
Yearly- I will review my savings and check flights to England

Strengths: Drive, Patience
Weakness: not stubborn

I will have to earn enough money for a plane trip to England and also enough to get to a hotel and rent a car. To do this I would have to refrain from large purchases. It would cost around $2,000 for a flight and a hotel and about $200 for a rental car.

I can turn to my parents for support . If I am down on my profits I can ask them for some aid . I would have to alert them beforehand.

Year 1- Get through Gr.10 with good grades
Year 2- Get through Gr.11 with good grades
Year 3- Finish Gr.12 and find full/part time job and start saving money
Year 4-Look for deals in packages, if I can't find one I continue saving and checking for packages until one comes up

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